Sunday, May 8, 2011

Flora & Fauna

I got lucky with this weeks assignment. We went up to visit my sister-in-law for mothers day. She has a little farm with chickens, lambs, and Jasper the dog. I had my camera with me the whole day Saturday and I got some great shots! Here are a few of my favorites:

Jaspers Yawn. Taken on 5/7/2011 at 7:27 a.m. Helena, Montana.
F-Stop: 5.6 | Shutter Speed: 1/4000 | Nikon D5000
Jasper is a really pretty dog, so I was taking some pictures of him out on the porch. I was lucky to be in position when he did this giant yawn. I gave it a little contrast in camera raw.

Jasper in his chair. Taken on 5/6/2011 at 7:32 PM. Helena, MT
F-Stop 2.8 | Shutter Speed: 1/100 | Nikon D5000
The sun was pretty low in the sky, so I didn't have a lot of light. To compensate for the light situation I used a large aperture and a slower shutter speed. Jasper was the perfect model. I lightened the exposure a little bit, and I added a vignette in camera raw.

 Lamb. Taken on 5/7/2011 at 7:23 a.m. Helena, MT
F-Stop: 2.5 | Shutter Speed:1/4000 | Nikon D5000
I took this picture right after we fed her a bottle of milk. She was basking in the sunlight! I gave it a little vignette in camera raw, and then I edited the levels in Photoshop. I also used a photo filter adjustment layer to get rid of the reddish tint the photo originally had (using a green filter). 

 Puff Head Chicken. Taken on 5/7/2011 at 2:45 PM. Helena, MT
F-Stop: 5.6 | Shutter Speed: 1/1250 | Nikon D5000
This crazy chicken was getting ready to peck my sister-in-laws finger. She held him for me so I could get a close up. I edited the levels in Photoshop.

 Mother's Day Flowers. Taken on 5/7/2011 at 10:27 AM. Helena, MT
F-Stop: 1.8 | Shutter Speed: 1/400 | Nikon D5000
My mother-in-law brought these flowers for me as a mother's day gift (even though I'm not a mother yet). I took this photo inside next to a window. I edited the exposure and the blacks in camera raw, and then I gave it a vignette in photoshop using a layer mask.

 Rainy Day. 5/10/2011 at 4:43 PM. Rexburg, ID.
F-Stop: 1.8 | Shutter Speed: 1/4000 | Nikon D5000
For this photo I edited the blacks, brightness & contrast in camera raw. Then I edited the levels in Photoshop.


  1. Your fauna shots are amazing, and I love your edits on your portrait. the black and white contrast is stunning. You really are amazing and have a real knack for this. Keep it up!

  2. I love the chicken one! I think it would be shocking large (in a good way)
