Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I entered the following photo in the photographic society contest on adventure:

The Greatest Adventure. 5/17/2011 – 6:56 PM. Rexburg, ID.
F-Stop: 7.1 | Shutter Speed: 1/250 | Nikon D5000
I took this photo while I was doing my portrait shots. I love the lines of the railroad, and they way they can symbolize moving towards the future. I thought it would be great to have my models walking together & holding hands toward the future together. 

Love really is a great adventure, so I though it was appropriate for the contest. I used a medium to small aperture. I wanted people to see that it was a railroad, but I wanted it to be blurry in the distance. I really like the way it turned out.

I chose to enter this contest because I am a member of the photographic society. I had a better chance at winning in photographic society than I did in a big contest with lots more contestants. I didn't win anything for this photo, but I'm really glad I entered it anyway. It was a good experience.

It was the first contest. I submitted the photo on May 23 2011.

Link to photographic society blog: